Monday, April 18, 2011

Trip update!!

Hey, so I just want to thank everyone who's taken the time to follow me on my trip through my blog! Here's just a quick update. Firstly, the above picture is a picture of our team (starting from top left) Josiah, Tiffany, Amanda, Cody, Erika, Beatrice (me), Megan, Andrea, and Naomi! I'm so blessed to have such an amazing, God-centred, community of unique people to have as a team! I am so grateful for each one of them!

We're heading off to Cameroon on May 9th with stops in Brussels, Belgium and Zurich, Switzerland! So far we've created big sunday school style picture books of Bible stories that can be used in the Oku culture to promote reading and the Bible to children, and we are in the process of highly interactive Bible studies specific to Oku culture to promote studying and reading the Bible in unity within the Oku groups since their New Testament has now been translated!! So exciting!

oh p.s. I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but you will be able to somewhat follow me on my trip through video! We're not sure about all the details yet but I'll let you know when I do! Also, pray for our videographer named Michael!

Prayer requests:
- preparation
- finances
- our focus - God's glory
- spiritual transformation
- host families
- spiritual warfare
- literacy & Scripture use in the Oku
- health
- group dynamics
- culture shock
- CABTAL (Cameroon Association for Bible Translation and Literacy)

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