Sunday, January 30, 2011

Colossians 3

Today I'm looking at Colossians 3 to get some insight into groups, teams, how they function, and how this will be able to apply to the Global Adventures team. (:

First of all, this passage has a lot to say about how a group functions. We have died to ourselves, and are made alive through Christ, therefore we must display His holiness when dealing with eachother, especially in group settings. Verse 13 says that we are to bear with eachother and forgive eachother for the things we have against them. I know that as for myself, when I have a hard time with someone, or they rub me the wrong way, the last thing I'll do is confront them about it. Sometimes it's hard to forgive, especially when the person has not apologized, but how will they know to apologize if I don't confront them? Hm... something to think about for myself I guess. Verse 14 says that if we put on love we will be binded together in PERFECT unity. When a group is functioning together, if they are truly showing eachorther the love of Christ, the Scripture says that we will be binded together in perfect unity... wow. God really paints us a beautiful picture of teamwork & how it is intended to be.

We learn some basic elements of teamwork through this passage. Verse 12 talks about teams being clothed in humility, compassion, kindness, gentleness, and patience. Team players are also to have peace ruling in their hearts since, as members of the body, they have been called to peace (v.15).

We learn through Colossians 3 that units/groups/teams are to warn and criticize eachother in wisdom (v.16). Christ shows us through these verses how to be successful in team settings, and shows how he originally intended teams to be used for His glory.

Through everything I have studied, a significant challenge for me is to learn how to confront people in order to better relationships and forgive much quicker and easier. A significant challenge for my team would be to learn to warn and criticize eachother in wisdom in order to build eachother up, since a lot of the time, being shallow and friendly is more common, but doesn't build up anyone.

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